Helpful tools in Web UI Development
Occasionally I come across a really useful tool, or some sort of feature/framework/idea that I think hey, that would be great to remember for future Web site development. So, here is a list of some of these that I would like to share: Nuget: A must if if you are developing in .NET. Nuget ensures that you can access the streams of modules and packages that are being written and distributed around the world. If you are still adding references to projects then you are potentially doing it all wrong (not necessarily of course). Nuget is a mainstream of Visual Studio and Microsoft tool development now. Build servers (Continuous integration…
ViewModel composition and using Partial views with Partials
Slightly confused by the title of this topic? I can see why. Even I didn’t know what to give the name to the problem a recent problem I encountered and I ended up resolving it. Instead I’ll try and state the problem in my definition below: Please note. There might be better ways of doing this, or perhaps I’m doing it all wrong. Take this with a grain of salt and if it works for you, that’s great. Otherwise that’s great too… History Whilst being new to MVC .NET I did alot of reading on best practices, any practices and different methods of using the concept to achieve my desired…
Calling Delphi 6 DLL from c#.NET and blasted rounding issues
Recently I had the need to call a Delphi DLL from a .NET application. The delphi DLL would be performing a number of floating point arithmetic operations and returning results in as a string. In order to debug the delphi DLL another delphi application was written that uses this same interface and outputs the results. The problem I started experiencing was that the results produced when calling from my c# application varied from those called from the delphi application. Both used the same DLL and both produced the same inputs. I don’t have much in-depth knowledge about floating point numbers but I have read enough to know that most of…
On my way towards a skinny controller – ASP.NET MVC
A learning curve My first attempt at writing a programming blog. Excuse the rambling, I’m a blogger work in progress. Being new to the whole MVC programming concept and to be honest web progamming in general the learning curve to get up to speed and produce an enterprise solution has been pretty intense. This year, I took on that challenge and must say, it’s been an enjoyable experience. The new challenges when writing web applications and a RESTful application has meant to some degree a shift in the way I have often written my software. When starting on my MVC project I quickly decided to adopt the MVVC (Model View…